Tuesday, April 29, 2008


FINALLY! Well even though it has only been 2 days, end of levels are done! They weren't even half as hard as I expected them to be. They were so easy. We tested in Science and Language Arts. In the second week of May we will do math ( which i am very nervous about).
Me, Alec, and my mom are flying out to Texas on thursday, so i was just hoping we would be done testing before then and I'm so glad we are!

1 comment:

jami v. said...

wog-way to go on the testing! it's a good sign when it's easier than you thought. i remember going into my ap calculus (big math ... just wait) test and wanting to cry because i turned and turned the pages to the test and thought, "i don't know how to do one of these!" and seriously almost cried ... thankfully i just jumped in and tried my best, and even passed! go figure!! :)

have fun on your trip. :) i'm glad you're going to get a little "taste" of texas before the move. :) xoxoxo