Sunday, March 16, 2008

In the 80's

Ok well this last thursday was Decade Day at my school. I dressed up as an 80's chick. I didn't take any pictures, cause well i dunno i just didnt, but I took one of my dad's old T-shirts and cut off the neck of it so it was a hang-off-the-shoulder shirt and tied it on the side. I wore old flooded jeans with green legwarmers over them (the leg warmers were actually the sleeves of my mom's old ugly fuzzy sweater) and tenni shoes. I did a huge bump on the front of my hair and ratted the rest of it up. I had bright blue/green eyeshadow and some lip gloss. I looked UGLY! But I wasn't as bad as my mom's high school picture! WHEW! Let me tell ya...that was just something else!


Julie said...

lol...the 80's were awesome!! I wish you took pictures, I am sure you were a hottie in those leg warmers.

jami v. said...

yes, yes... you can't have the 80's without legwarmers. and i can tell you, your mom WAS somethin' else in those lovely high school pictures! wow. if you ever need a good laugh, there's something funny to look at!! hehehe

Jennifer Never said...

McKall...You're cool enough to bring back the 80's style if you really wanted to. Start something up there in Logan!!! Sounds fun.